After the funeral and spending time with family I had to leave New Bern at 3am on Tuesday to catch my flight to Philadelphia, but I'm glad that I was able to attend and be there with everyone.
Once arriving in Philly, I went to the Sacred Places headquarters and did a few hours of research for my project this semester on adaptive reuse of churches. Afterwards Dr. Tise and I met up and walked what felt like every block of Philadelphia's Center City and surrounding districts looking at various preservation efforts in the area. On Wednesday we behind the scenes at Eastern State Penitentiary (now is in a state of ruin and used as a tourist attraction), as well as Girard College and the new Please Touch Museum.
What a week ... very long and mostly stressful, but things worked out well and I'm happy to have a little break this coming week.
Shawn and I are traveling out for a wedding today of one of our friends Andy! Quite exciting! My article was also published this week in Landmarks magazine although I haven't been able to get a copy yet! I'll be sure to update on how things are progressing, I hope all is well with everyone!! :)